The author's intent to create an improved on-ramp for new players is innovative and thoughtful. It allows players to experience the core game without the immediate need to purchase assets, a model that has found success in other games. However, it's important to carefully consider how and when new players become incentivized to invest in the project, as this is a crucial aspect of the proposal’s success.
- Development of a New Land Type: The concept requires the addition of a generic land with a distinct rule set. It's necessary to explore how this can integrate with our existing game environment.
- New Account Creation Process: Proposing a method for players to create accounts without connecting a wallet needs to align seamlessly with our current system capabilities.
- New Starting Inventory: Providing all new accounts with hub land and unicorns is a welcoming approach. Ensuring these assets are non-transferable and exist only in-game poses some technical considerations.
- Restrictions on Starting Land and Unicorn: The creation of non-transferable starting assets is a unique idea but requires careful implementation to maintain the game's balance.
- New Buildings as the HUB: This concept will largely be intensive on the artwork.
- Extraction Gate Implementation: A gate must be implemented in order to prevent “starting lands & unicorns” from generating extractive value. Actions on these land plots must be limited and point players to a conversion (purchase NFTs or currency). This must be completed before a player has the ability to sell items on the RMP, participate in Jousting, etc.
- Flexible Login Options: Allowing new players to log in with either a wallet or an email. If email is chosen, the player will have the ability to convert to a wallet at any point.
- Starter Experience: New players will be able to participate in farming, gathering, questing & crafting but all items generated by the loops when using the started lands should not be extractable but rather point players to obtain actual NFT assets.
The author's proposal holds potential for enhancing the player experience. However, its implementation requires significant alterations to our current roadmap. While these changes are possible, they demand extensive collaboration across various teams, including client, server, art, UI/UX, and design. This could impact the focus and resources allocated to upcoming features. It's essential to weigh the benefits of this proposal against our current priorities and capabilities.